We’re an IT services firm. That means we live, breathe, eat and sleep information technology. It also means that we live, breathe, eat and sleep security.
Our reputation and success relies on the safety of our clients’ confidential information. So we take security seriously — not only on a business level, but on a moral level.
We work to protect your information because it’s the right thing to do. And we do everything possible to ensure it’s done correctly.
Among other compliance requirements we set for ourselves, including HIPAA, we undergo an annual SSAE 18 (formerly known as SSAE 16) audit. This type of audit, also known as SOC 1 Type II, ensures we’re meeting the strictest criteria in our industry for data security.
SSAE stands for Statement on Standards for Attestation Engagement. SOC stands for Service Organization Controls. Both define the same report, and are necessary for organizations that interact their clients’ financial information.
Under the SOC, there are two subtypes — Type I and Type II. The difference between the two is important. SOC 1 Type I audits report solely on the controls of a company at a specific point in time, while SOC Type II audits requires a more meticulous, thorough and time-consuming analysis.
The SSAE 18/SOC 1 Type II has five benchmarks of performance. To be in compliance, companies must meet the strictest standards on:
Our successful completion of the audit means we’ve been confirmed to have met these benchmarks and have the necessary processes in place to keep your information secure and private.
Our SSAE 18/SOC 1 Type II is administered by KirkpatrickPrice, a licensed CPA firm that specializes in auditing IT firms for a host of compliance requirements.
Over a six-month period, KirkpatrickPrice performed detailed testing of all our controls and processes that involve client financial statements.
As a premium IT solutions and services company, we take pride in maintaining the highest standards in all aspects of our industry.
The SSAE 18/SOC 1 Type II assures our clients that we have the processes necessary to deliver the best service. You can feel secure knowing your confidential information is safe with us.
“Ultimately, we undergo these audits for our clients. It’s about protecting their business reputations and maintaining the trust their consumers put in them. By helping our clients, we help ourselves because that trust transfers,” says Gray Mabry, iVenture CEO.
The SSAE 18/SOC 1 Type II audit is especially relevant to public companies. With the implementation of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002, companies must undergo an independent audit of their internal financial controls.
When companies outsource IT, they are potentially left open to issues if their IT company doesn’t follow best practices.
With us, companies can be assured we understand their industry regulations and work to comply where necessary. And we provide an official independent letter verifying our compliance upon request.
Along with the SSAE 18/SOC 1 Type II audit of our business, our data centers also undergo the same intensive analysis.
When you partner with iVenture, your receive nightly offsite data backups, and just like our internal processes, we work to ensure our outside vendors are operating at the highest standard as well.
An official news release of our SSAE 18/SOC 1 Type II attestation can be found on KirkpatrickPrice’s press page.
Ensure your confidential information is secure. iVenture Solutions is an award-winning managed service provider delivering superior IT solutions to clients across Florida.
As a leading-edge IT firm for small and medium-sized businesses, we provide a diverse range of services covering the entire scope of IT including maintenance, support, hosting and more.
Through rapid response time, reduction of chaos and the right people, our expert team of IT professionals will fulfill your technology needs. At iVenture, we give you more time to do what matters.